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Patient Harm By EMR
Where EHR Went Wrong |
Doctor Burnout By EMR
Where EHR Went Wrong |
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Helpful AI
Artificial Intelligence In Simple Terms |
AI For Patient Safety
Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Hospital Care |
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Fraud Through EMR
Where EMR Went Wrong |
Digital Tech
Aiding Physicians |
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Cloud Computing
Success, Problems, Risks, Rewards |
Patient Deaths By EMR
Where EHR Went Wrong |
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EMR Interoperability Gaps
Where EHR Went Wrong |
Intelligent Healthcare
Big Data Analytics Management |
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Telehealth Jackpot
Explosive Growth And Concern of Fraud |
Detection of Drug Reactions
Predictive Modeling |
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National Cancer Center of Tokyo Approximately 1,300 cancer patients, visit the National Cancer Center of Tokyo daily. |
Exploiting EMR Data
Overcoming Bottlenecks by Free Text |
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SafeCare AI
Predict Avoidable Adverse Drug Reactions |
SafeCare AI
Predict Risk of Clostridium Difficile Infections |
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SafeCare AI
Predict Probability of Redundant Laboratory Testing |
SafeCare AI
Predict Risk of Avoidable Readmissions |
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SafeCare AI
Predict Risk of Inpatient Hospital Mortality |
Transforming Healthcare
Engineering Safety through IT |
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Predictive Analytics
Role in Hospital Adverse Events |
Facilitators to Adoption by Physicians |
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Electronic Health Records
Physician Barriers |
IT for Patient Safety
Delivering Patient-Centered Care |
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Unexpected Hospital Deaths
Is There a Pattern? |
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IT for Patient Safety
Combating Medication Errors |
EMR Signatures
Incompatibility of Expectations |
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Big Data For Meaningful Use
Cure or Snake Oil? Achieving deeper and broader meaningful use to improve healthcare requires the four “V”s – Veracity, Volume, Variety, and Velocity – of data. |
Medical Robotics
From Golem to Superman |
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Electronic Health Records
Policy Challenges |
Improving Radiology Quality
Radiation Dose |
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Big Data in Healthcare
For Whom the Bell Tolls? |
Diagnostic OB Ultrasound
How Safe? |
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Empathy and Technology
Can they Connect? |
Big Data & Visual Analytics
Pipe Dream to Reality |
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An EMR Patient Safety Vulnerability
22 Different Ways Of all the errors that cause damage to the health of patients in the Emergency Room, 4% are the result of misidentification. It rises to 13% in surgeries and a startling 67% in transfusions. |
IT For Patient Safety
Supporting Care Decisions |
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Benchmarking Hospital Performance
Health Analytics |
Smart Card
Healthcare IT Innovation for Patient Safety Implementation of a health smart card moves us closer to seamless care in our country, thereby increasing the productivity, quality and safety of healthcare. |
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12 Metrics Hospitals Should Monitor
Areas of Focus |