Can This Man Save American Healthcare?
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Interview with Joe Kiani, CEO of Masimo, one of the men spearheading safety innovation in modern global medical technology and 2015 SafeCare Person of the Year. Plus:
After-hour ICU Discharges – Preventable Hosp Deaths
Alcohol-based Handrubs - Reduction in MRSA
Passing The Baton - Will Patients Take It?”
ICU Headphones - Is there a Role for Music in the ICU?
Smart Card - Healthcare IT Innovation for Safety
Portes Tournantes Hospitaliers – Readmissions Cycle
Beyond Winning - Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Teamwork - Similarities with Aviation?
The Concept of Quality - What is Good Healthcare?
NASA’s Safety Culture - Patient Safety Surgery
Intensivists At Night - Resources in the Right Place?