Better Days to Heal Telemedicine has not only helped coordinate treatments for patients but also offered a way to offer encouragement and hope. |
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South Korea
Dedicated COVID Hospitals Lessons learned from the 2015 MERS outbreak were applied to contain the spread of COVID-19. |
Indignities to the Dead Decree n. 648 included restrictive interventions on public Holy Masses and funerals so the dead cannot be buried in their personal clothes. |
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Invention, Innovation, & Imitation The lockdown period provided the most valuable resource to organizations, institutions, individual professionals time. |
South Africa
Spirituality During COVID The COVID experience has caused us to reflect on quality of life, health and well-being and, just as important, end of life. |
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Coronavirus Infodemic There is an urgent need to fight the wrong information, which is advancing even faster than the pandemic. |
Conflict & COVID With major protracted wars, bombing of healthcare facilities, killing health personnel and a pandemic is the last thing that a country desire. |
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Response to the Pandemic
Politicians Have Made Both Good and Poor Decisions In March of 2018, Timothy Ziemer, whose job it was to lead the United States response in the event of a pandemic, abruptly left the Trump Administration and his global health security team was disbanded. |
Importance of Facemasks
Curtailing The Pandemic The lack of protection of face masks is actually a notion touted in part by the World Health Organization but with all due respect, the WHO has gotten it wrong more than once. |
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Virus Misinformation
Spread of Lies Posts from the WHO and the CDC have cumulatively only achieved several hundred thousand engagements, considerably eclipsed by hoax and conspiracy theory sites, which have amassed over 52 million. |
Coronavirus Timeline
How Congress Ignored the Warnings If Congress is happy they dragged the country down by impeaching an innocent man, then they must be happier that China engineered the coronavirus pandemic to kill his presidency off. |
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How To Exit the Shutdown
Hire An Army of Public Health Workers Facing the prospect of overwhelmed hospitals, seven Bay Area county and city health departments joined forces to become the first region in the nation to pass sweeping regulations ordering millions of people indoors and shuttering the local economy. |
Peak of the Plague
Five Points To Consider The “flatten the curve” strategy was designed to help lessen the surge of patients so the health care system would have more time to build capacity, discover better treatments and eventually come up with a vaccine. |
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San Francisco COVID Plan
How The Bay Area Got Ahead Of The Crisis San Francisco would issue the nation’s first stay-at-home order, likely saving thousands of lives and charting the course for much of the country. |
Race, Income, and COVID
Risk Factors That Influence Who Lives Or Dies She had a number of factors that put her at higher risk of dying from COVID-19. She had diabetes. She was black, with a low-salary job. |
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Generation Z Lockdown
The Challenges Of Keeping Young Adults Safe Now their futures are on hold, they can’t be with their friends, their college campuses are shuttered, their jobs are evaporating — and a scary virus makes some wonder if they even want those jobs. |
Pandamonium In The USA
How A Regime Neglected Warning 2015, “the U.S. would need approximately 35,000 to 60,500 additional ventilators, averting a pandemic total 178,000 to 308,000 deaths." |
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Infectious Disease Threats
Emerging Vector-borne Viruses Discovery of three highly pathogenic viruses in China during the past 5 years shows need of a strategy. |
Evidence for Hand Hygiene
Versus Other Preventive Strategies Effective infection prevention approaches include aseptic insertion of venous catheters, hospital-wide environmental cleaning, isolation, screening, and decolonization regimes, and surveillance. |
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Dirty Hands
Hand Hygiene Methods While selecting a hand hygiene product, one needs to consider efficacy, cost, aesthetic preferences, such as color, texture, and fragrance, and practical issues such as availability, ease of dispensing, or preventing contamination. |
Occam’s Razor
Crying Wolf with Sepsis Diagnosis Our current definition for sepsis relies on the “law” of parsimony (Occam’s razor) which was often misinterpreted as indicating that a smaller number of variables is preferable to more. Regrettably, like the emperor that has no clothes, this definition is a heavily flawed guess. |
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The Past is Never Dead
Measles Epidemic 300 Years Ago “…I have given to the Printer, a Letter about the Right Management of the Sick under the Distemper of the Measles; which is now spreading and raging in the Countrey. I propose to scatter it into all parts… to save many lives….” Cotton Mather, December 23, 1713. |
Think Negative
Gram Negative Bacteria As the Chipotle restaurant chain experienced in 2016, E. coli landed 21 people in the hospital. |
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A Complex Dynamic Distortion of Human Life
We Call It Sepsis The incidence of unnecessary deaths due to medical errors in the US is equivalent to a jumbo jet airline crash occurring every day, and that the majority of these errors are caused by diagnostic delay. |
The Future of Antibiotics
Finding New Scaffolds what solutions can be implemented to relieve the obstructions and rekindle antibiotic R&D in industry? Two broad methods may be useful to change the pool of antibiotics that can be discovered and developed. |
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Mandatory Antimicrobial Stewardship
For All ICU’s Antimicrobial stewardship involves a multifaceted approach aimed at combating the emergence of antibiotic resistance, improving patient outcomes, and controlling healthcare costs. |
Hospital Associated COVID
One German Hospital Experience Two entities of COVID positive individuals pose the greatest risk as source of transmission in the healthcare setting: COVID positive patients before diagnosis and COVID positive healthcare workers who are not yet aware of their infection. |
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The Future of Antibiotics
The Antibiotic Crisis The medical community failed to understand that microbes have been waging war among themselves with antibiotics, and creating resistance mechanisms to defeat antibiotics, for more than two billion years. |
Antibacterial Resistance
Eight SafeCare Solutions An estimated 700,000 people worldwide die each year from antibiotic resistant bacteria, with most deaths happening in inpatient healthcare settings, such as hospitals. Modelling up to the year 2050, by Rand Europe and auditors KPMG, suggested 10 million people could die each year. |
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Antimicrobial Resistance
One of the Biggest Healthcare Threat To Mankind Reducing prescriptions of high-risk antibiotics by 30% in hospitals can lower deadly diarrhea by 26%. |