SafeCare accepts unsolicited articles, as we want to share uncommon and creative perspectives. Authors should familiarize themselves with our magazine before sending their submission, and include with it a cover letter referencing any similar articles we published recently, and a short biography.
We invite doctors, nurses, CEOs and healthcare administrators to share their expertise and experiences.
We invite doctors, nurses, CEOs and healthcare administrators to share their expertise and experiences.
Submission Guidelines
How to Send Us Your Work: We accept submissions only through email. Your manuscript must be in one of the following file forms: .doc, .docx. Topics: You may send us manuscripts without commercial branding for the following submission categories: Healthcare Quality, Patient Safety, Healthcare Efficiency; Hospitals; Information Technology, Medical Technology and Devices, Healthcare Leadership, Nursing, the general practice of Medicine, and Best Practices of Care. Formatting Your Manuscript: All manuscripts should be in 12-point type, with at least one-inch margins, and sequentially numbered pages and double-spaced. The author’s name, credentials, address, telephone number, and email address should be typed at the top of the first page. Contributors are asked to include a brief (one paragraph) biographical note with their submissions. Timing: Submissions may be sent to us at any time, year-round. Simultaneous Submissions: We accept multiple submissions, since we feel that it’s unreasonable to expect writers to give a magazine an exclusive look at a work unless the magazine can respond within two to three weeks. Response Time: Our response time varies from four to eight weeks, with the slowest times usually being December/January. |