Softwaring SafeCare
Interview with Yisrael M. Safeek, MD, MBA The SafeCare Group Chairman and CEO who is driving the industry in providing SaaS-based solutions & analytics to mitigate hospital financial penalties & facilitate accreditation. Plus:
Softwaring SafeCare - A Relentless Commitment
Big Data & Visual Analytics - Pipe Dream to Reality
Big Data in Healthcare - For Whom the Bell Tolls?
Benchmarking Hospital Performance - Health Analytics
Measuring Quality - What is Good Quality Healthcare?
Empathy and Technology – Can they Connect?
Diagnostic OB Ultrasound - How Safe?
Improving Radiology Quality – Radiation Dose
Medical Robotics - From Golem to Superman
IT For Patient Safety - Supporting Care Decisions
An EMR Patient Safety Vulnerability – Patient’s Name
Electronic Health Records – Policy Challenges
Hospital Patient Safety - It Rests On Communication